DEXfiber Satchets | Wheat Dextrin | Uses


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Sugar Free | Gluten Free
Brand: Martin Dow
Product Category: Herbal Preparation
Generic Name: Wheat Dextrin and Green Tea Extract
Pack Size: Pack of 10 sachets

DEXfiber Satchets | Wheat Dextrin | Green Tea Extract

DEXfiber Satchets is a constipation treatment. It raises the size of your stool, which aids with bowel movement. It also softens and makes the stool easier to pass by increasing the quantity of water in the stool.

Brand: Martin Dow
Product Category: Herbal Preparation
Generic Name: Wheat Dextrin and Green Tea Extract
Pack Size: Pack of 10 Satchets
Retail Price: 240.00 PKR

How to get it?

Obviously!  You can buy online through our website or call us at +923005080963.

Daily Dosage:

  • 7 years to 11 years: 1 Satchets Daily.
  • 12 Years and Above: 2 – 3 satchets daily.

Side Effects Dexfiber:

Dexfiber sachets is a constipation treatment. It raises the size of your stool, which aids with bowel movement. It also softens and makes the stool easier to pass by increasing the quantity of water in the stool.

When to avoid using Dexfiber:

So, It is not recommended for those who have a history of medication hypersensitivity.


Good for Weight Loss:

Hence, Dexfiber powder/sachet is a 100% soluble Fiber with Green Tea extract for constipation relief. It is highly beneficial for regulating bowel movement and digestion, alleviating constipation and stomach acidity, and lowering cholesterol and weight.

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DEXfiber Satchets | Wheat Dextrin | Uses


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